Major news from the headquarters: The first QUARTERLY newsletter has been released and published! Paying *GOLD* subscribers will have gotten one in their letterbox already, and if not, the pigeon is on the way.
This Quarterly Show consists of 16 page b/w pencil drawn zine with a bird theme. The main focus is on a budgie, but there is also many other ornithological elements like a feature about a seagull and a comic about ducks.

The muse of the show is a budgie called Pásí. She is my neighbour but due to circumstances I have been taking care of her for a few months now. In that time she has reminded me of how big small can be.

So, the leading article tells the story of my relationship with Pásí. Since most of you are not paying members I’ll have to jump the juicy details and skip right to the final scene. There one can see Pásí at a turning point. She is about to exit the gate that seperates the two worlds she belongs to: Behind the gate we have the enclosure that offers safety and an abundance of kernels, turning Pásí in to a domesticated pet. On the other side of the gate is freedom. Any destination at a wings’ flap! But with freedom comes responsibility. Even danger.
Talking about danger. The other story is about a lesser black-backed gull with no name. It frequented my balcony last summer:
On top of the seagull story one can find a few vague, moralistic mini-comments on trendy magazine subjects like mindfulness, meat consumption, hyper capitalism, the depressed face of fashion and speciesism:

That was the first Rán Flygenring Show Quarterly Excerpt. I am very excited to make the next one.
ps. Would you like to order one of the extremely limited copies of The Bird’s-Eye View? Drop me a line or simply transfer the amount to my Paypal account (remember to include your address). The cost is 35EUR including shipping.
pps. or you could become a paying member today and i will send you a complimentary copy of the Quarterly #1 along with your #2!