Sep 17, 2022Liked by Rán Flygenring

I love this comic! I always feel like that when I go to the pool or a beach: SO MANY DIFFERENT BODIES!! Even the skinny people look nothing like the people on tv and in magazines. But the weirdest thing is, every winter I forget. And then when I go swimming again in the spring I'm like: LOOK AT THOSE BODS!!

Also, that bird is amazing. He seems so annoyed but still continues. Lovely.

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Thank you Betje! it is such a joy every time something supposedly normal and given exposes itself as being ABSOLUTELY INSANELY MAGICAL and the beach situation sounds like one of those

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Sjálf alveg bit yfir fjöldanum sem vildi ganga fram hjá kistunni. Fólk líklega fullt af þakklæti fyrir að vera dáldið öðruvísi en hinir sem ganga fram hjá kistunni svo þeim sé ekki ruglað saman við þann á undan eða þann á eftir í röðinni.

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I really like the observations and pacing in this one, and wonderful as always drawings, and circular return to the really marvelous crow and hedgehog video. Totally agree about the faces too. A lot of detail in life is like that--absolutely specific in all ways, hard to invent but everywhere in everything grown always exactingly present!

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