ha! jeg har bodd i oslo i to år mellom 2011 og 2013 og har lært meg litt norsk!

and I went to a very expensive restaurant there for a dinner with the office and the barbarians ordered expensive steaks to eat them with...ketchup. that was an absolute culture shock!

the food we had in iceland was really good. we made one trip to the snæfellsnes peninsula and in one of these village one in all community houses we had a very very delicious lamb soup.

and here un germany the super markets are full of food, but people do not really appreciate it, nor are they willing to pay much for it.

funny with the fruit only at Christmas, can't be too long ago I guess?

the drawings look delicious, by the way. makes me want to eat....salad!🤩😊👍

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ketchup! det er hakket verre enn å legge ingefæren OPPÅ sushien!

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sann er det!

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Tengi við þetta allt! -- Vann reyndar með skóla á ávaxtalager Hagkaupa og fékk að sjá margt skrítið á einu bretti! :D --- Virkilega að tengja við þetta format og sögur ❤️

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Ps.: Þegar ég flutti mína þýsku konu til landsins, þá grét hún einnig við ávaxtaborðið í Hagkaupum --- en þar var reyndar út af því að henni fannst hún þurfa að velja á milli agúrku og brokkoli verðsins vegna ...

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Mjög forframað! Þegar þú segir þetta þá man ég einmitt eftir að hafa staðið við ávaxtaborðið í Hagkaup sem barn og skoðað ávextina eins og maður virðir fyrir sér framandi muni á safni (blæjuber! drekaávöxtur! kókoshneta!). agúrka vs brokkólí er síðan önnur myrkrahlið matarinnflutningsmafíunnar en það er mál fyrir annað fréttabréf ...

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Geggjað :)

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Looks like England is returning to its Danish tradition - “let them eat turnips” says our Environment Minister

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I have only started eating fruits and veggies when i was five actually! And last year, i just tried salad!

Your salad paintings are the best, definitly like a beating heart❤️

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